
Durian Varieties In Thailand

 Thai Durian Varieties or Cultivars

3 Popular Thai Durian Varieties - Monthong, Chanee and Kanyao
There are 234 varieties registered with the government of which about 60-80 varieties are commercially cultivated. They are generally divided into 3 groups according to maturity indices:

  • Early maturity (103-105 days) - Chanee, Gradum-tong and Lueng
  • Medium maturity (127-130 days) - Monthong. Gob, Kan Yau, and
  • Late maturity (140-150 days) - Gumpan, Enak, Tong-yoi-chat.

Of all the cultivated durian areas in Thailand, Monthong comprises 41%, Chanee 33%, Kan Yau 5%, Gradum-tong 2% and the rest are minor varieties.



Thai Durian Mon Thong variety - (Photo Credit DITP)
Mon Thong is the most important and famous durian variety of Thailand.  It means "golden pillow" in Thai. It produces large, elongated, oval-cylindrical fruits tapering at the stylar end. The large fruit has a pronounced beak, lobed, yellowish-brown each weighing about 2-6 kg. The peduncle is thick and moderately long and the rind is thick and covered with sharp, pointed, small, conical, densely packed spines. Each fruit has 10-15 arils and many small, shrunken (aborted) seeds. Each locule has usually 3 large, thick, creamy, smooth, pale yellow arils. The pulp has mild odour and of excellent quality, constituting more than 30% edible portion and has little physiological disorders.

This cultivar is very good for processing into preserved frozen pulps. It bears fruit after 8 years of planting. Its poor fruit characters include the coarse-texture flesh, the high fibre and the flesh exhibit non-uniform ripening. It is susceptible to Phytophthora.


Cha Nee

Thai durian - Cha Nee (Photo Credit DITP)

"Cha Nee" means gibbon in Thai and belongs to the Luang cultivar group. This is an early variety which bears fruit 4-6 years after planting. The fruit is 2-4.5kg, oval to broad cylindrical, lobed and greyish brown. The peduncle is thick and moderately long, and the rind is brownish yellow, thin with blunt, large, widely spaced spines. Each locule has 3-4 arils. The bright yellow pulp is thick, fine textured, firm, creamy smooth, sweet and of excellent taste. The flesh exhibits uniform ripening. The inferior qualities include high flesh fibre, frequent physiological disorder, watery at full ripening stage, poor fruit setting and is susceptible to phytophthora and fruit borer.


Kan Yao or Kan Yau or Gaan Yaow

Thai Durian - Kan Yao (Photo Credit DITP)
"Kan Yao", "Gaan Yaow" or "Kan Yau" means long stalk in Thai. The fruit is characterized by a long, thick peduncle of 10-14cm. The fruit is lychee-shaped to globose, greyish-brown, rough with a moderately thick rind bearing short, sharp, straight, moderately dense spines. There are 3-4 large, thick arils per locule. The pulp is golden-yellow, smooth, creamy, sweet with a pleasant aroma. This cultivar has little fruit physiological disorder, low flesh fibre and good fruit setting characteristics. Each fruit weighs 2-4.5kg. The inferior fruit characters include the large seed and the high number of seeds/fruit. high incidence of wet core, branch dieback, low phytophthora resistance and poor processing properties.


Kra Dum Thong or Gradumtung

Thai Durian - Kra Dum Thong (Photo Credit DITP)

"Kra Dum Thong", "Gradumtung" or "Kradumtung" means golden button in Thai. This cultivar bears fruit 4-6 years after planting and is also an early season variety in Thailand., fruiting around March. The fruit is large 2-4kg oval and symmetrically or uniformly distinctly lobed. The rind is brownish-green, thin and bears short, sharp densely packed spines. The fruit peduncle is moderately long . There are 3-4 large, thick arils/locule with yellow flesh.


You can get more Thai durian photos and information HERE..


Posted by บุญเลิศ แช่มล้วน on Monday, June 8, 2015


  1. Do we can buy the Thailand's durian in whole year?

    1. No. Durian season in Thailand normally last from April till September.

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    My company name is Ali Ahmed Omar Bamshamsy Group for Wholesale and Retail Fruit Trading.
    How it cost 1000kg fresh Kan Yao with freight air and all original documents with signature ship to king Abdul Aziz international airport in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia with CNF price?

    1. Sorry. Can't help you. Anyone out there who can help Ali get his stuff?
