
Durian Marketing in Malaysia and FAMA

Almost all the countries in South East Asia, except Singapore, produce durians and durian marketing is focused towards the local markets and meeting its domestic demands.

Thailand is the main durian producer in the world followed by Malaysia, Indonesia and The Philippines.  Brunei and the rest of the ASEAN countries produce durian for their own local consumption.

Malaysia's durian production is mainly consumed locally but a significant amount of good quality durian is exported to Singapore with smaller amounts to Thailand and Brunei. Frozen durian pulp is exported to China. During the off-season, Malaysia imports durian from Thailand to meet local demands.


FAMA - Federal Aricultural Marketing Authority

Federal Agricultural Marketing Board or popularly known as FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) is a marketing agency established under Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry in 30 September 1965.

It's main function is to monitor, coordinate, control and develop product marketing of Malaysian agricultural products namely vegetables, fruits, grain and herbs, livestock and aquaculture.

FAMA's Website

FAMA's Home Page in English
FAMA's website is available in English and the two most frequented menu are "Entrepreneur" and "Public".

"Entrepreneur" opens up with the following page:

Entreprenur - contents page

GPL (Grading, Packaging and Labeling of Agriculture Products) regulations have been gazetted on 18 August 2008.

GPL - Introduction
The GPL Regulation encompasses the domestic, export and import markets and mainly involves the exporters, importers, wholesalers and retailers.

There are 7 groups of agricultural produce involve in this scheme and durian is one of the items listed under the Fruits group.

Services - Contract Farming
 If you are interested in exporting durians overseas, you may want to go straight to Services>Marketing Contract>Contract Farming.

Contract Farming is one of the high-impact projects introduced as a mechanism to help small and medium-scale agricultural production farmers to guarantee their agricultural produce returns commensurate with the effort. This integrated programme is carried out under the concept of MOA Inc. involving several departments / agencies.

This link in the purple-box marked "Public" is of interest to most people keen to know about the latest news about the various agricultural produce in the country.

Public link
Public info is for durian growers or traders interested in exporting frozen durian pulp to China:

Public Info Export of Frozen Durian Pulp to China

Other links in the Public section include the following:

Journal of Agribusiness Marketing

Journal of Agribusiness Marketing
Marketing Information

Market information gathered by this department includes plantation price information, raw material wholesale and retail price, processed product retail price, consumption per capita, institution consumption, manufacturing consumption, factory consumption, agriculture area, total production, agriculture product entry to main wholesale markets and international business data.
Public - Marketing Information

Fama's Resources include various downloads of forms, documents, publications, presentation papers or slides and Halal Certification.

Resources - Documents

Resources - Publications

 Latest Farm Prices

Latest Farm prices

News & Events

News and Events

News Archieves


FAMA - Personnel

FAMA's Headquarters

FAMA's State Offices


FAMA is the authority to go to when it comes to fresh durian or frozen durian pulp marketing whether it is for the local market or for export especially to Singapore, Thailand and China. Processed durian products are generally limited to the local market.

Durian buyers who wish to source durians from farmers should first check with the various FAMA offices listed above. The various State Department of Agriculture is another good source to find durian growers. You can find this link at the bottom right hand corner of DOA's home page.




Malaysia Durian Exporters Association



Durian Distribution - Malaysia to Singapore


Durian Export FAMA

Agrotek - Industri Durian Sejukbeku


  1. Thanks for sharing beneficial information with us in which you have shared info about global crises and please keep sharing more.

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  2. I like to enquire durian export to middle east.

  3. I like to enquire durian export to middle east.

    1. I have no idea what the current durian market is. My interest is on the technical aspect of durian production. I have posted all I know about durian marketing on this page. Please check with the nearest FAMA office near you. Thank you.

  4. As i am durian farmer from indonesia i am interested to buy the mau sang king durian tree from malaysia what shoud i do

  5. i am interested to buy the young durian mau sang king tree from malaysia as i am from indonesia is it possible thanks

  6. good day, Mr.Francis, I am Mr.Chuo. can i have your email address? i have some question would like to ask on durian production technical. Thanks for your attention on my request. looking forward for your kind reply.


    1. Mr. Chuo,

      I would prefer you post your query here. If I can't help you maybe some other readers may be able to help. Thank you.

  7. Good evening, Mr Francis. I am interested with the durian grading system, specifically Musang King. I heard that a durian can be categorised into different greds, e.g. Gred A (top super good), Gred B (super good) and Gred C (good) within a specify variety. So, im interested to know the criterias involved for such grading system. What do u reckon ? Thanks for your time

  8. Good evening, Mr Francis, i am interested with the durian grading system, specifically Musang King. I heard that there are grading system for each variety of durian. For example, a Musang King may be graded with grad A (Top super good), grad B (Super good) and grad C (Good). Im interested with such information. What will u reckon? thanks for ur time

    1. Please contact FAMA. I don't have the information.

    2. Try This. Go to this link:

      and click Under column FRUIT item 18: Durian
