
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Durian: The Perfectly Unique Tropical Fruit Crowned As "The King of Fruits"

The durian is a perfectly unique tropical fruit!

You can't compare it to a soursop or a jackfruit although both fruits have similar shape, size and husk colour to the durian. Durian is exquisite! There is no fruit in the world just like it!

 "King of Fruits" vs pretenders

The durian is totally awesome with its thorny husk and smooth and creamy yellow flesh, strongly exotic taste, and sharply aromatic smell. However, the durian is often referred to as a controversial fruit. You either love it or hate it! Thomas Fuller from The New York Times describes the durian as "a polarizing and controversial fruit"  and durian lovers "will travel terrible distances, cancel important appointments — do anything — to scarf down globs of custardy flesh from a durian".

 Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore, hated the durian because he found the smell of durian nauseating and gave him a headache. Many durian detractors also complained that it smells like garbage, moldy cheese, rotting fish, rotting onions, dirty socks, bile, or vomit. The odour is so strong and pervasive that public transport such as the train do not allow passengers to bring durian into its carriages. Even the best hotels prohibit guests from bringing durian into their rooms.

A warning sign on board the Singapore MRT.
 But, the proof is in the eating. What the famous 19th century naturalist, Alfred Russell Wallace, said after he ate his first durian in Borneo:

"A rich, butter-like custard highly flavored with almonds, but intermingled with wafts of flavor that call to mind cream cheese, onion sauce, brown sherry and other incongruities. The more you eat of it, the less you feel inclined to stop."

D24 - an opened durian fruit
Wallace loved it. And millions of people, especially in the southeast Asian region love this perfectly unique and engrossing tropical fruit.

I love durians. My siblings, children and grandchildren love durians. Many of my relatives, friends and neighbors love durians. We love durians! After all, durian originated from this region a long, long time ago.

Durian drawing by my 4-year-old grandson

What Malaysians say about the "King of Fruits"

(Source: New Straits Times, June 26, 1990)

Click picture to enlarge

What Other People Say About The Durian

The durian is not just limited to this region. Modern communication and travel have help spread the demand for durian all over the world.   Durian lovers can be found in Japan, Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan. Durian fans can also be found in Australia, USA, Canada and Europe. If you haven't tried the durian before, here's How to Love Durian On Your First Bite...

Americans love durians. Here is a cute and cool definition from a popular CBS TV series

Durian and Smells of Empire

Dr. Daniel Bender teaches humanities courses at the University of Toronto.  A historian, Dr. Bender ranges his focus on the histories of working class populations, the study of American culture, trans-nationalism, animal studies, and food history. Among his research focuses is the concept of cultural experience as visions into the non-Western world. In the following video, he talks about the smell of the durian on the social, racial, and cultural differences of the local people and outsiders who came for the "rite of passage" or "to conquer" the exotic fruit. He also expounded on the "many ways durian smell" and phrases such as "running amok"; culinary tourism or "eating the other"; and imperial colonists.


Singapore Scientists Has Complete Genetic Map of The Durian

Link to Article

Durian has about 46,000 genes and that is double the genes humans have.

The draft genome of tropical fruit durian (Durio zibethinus)

  • Nature Genetics
  • doi:10.1038/ng.3972  Published online
  • Durian (Durio zibethinus) is a Southeast Asian tropical plant known for its hefty, spine-covered fruit and sulfury and onion-like odor. Here we present a draft genome assembly of D. zibethinus, representing the third plant genus in the Malvales order and first in the Helicteroideae subfamily to be sequenced. Single-molecule sequencing and chromosome contact maps enabled assembly of the highly heterozygous durian genome at chromosome-scale resolution. Transcriptomic analysis showed upregulation of sulfur-, ethylene-, and lipid-related pathways in durian fruits. We observed paleopolyploidization events shared by durian and cotton and durian-specific gene expansions in MGL (methionine γ-lyase), associated with production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). MGL and the ethylene-related gene ACS (aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase) were upregulated in fruits concomitantly with their downstream metabolites (VSCs and ethylene), suggesting a potential association between ethylene biosynthesis and methionine regeneration via the Yang cycle. The durian genome provides a resource for tropical fruit biology and agronomy.

  • ==============================================

    Common sight - a durian orchard or dusun along the highway

    Durian stalls displaying durians of all shapes and sizes
    In Malaysia, the durian  is the most popular tropical fruit and is affectionately referred to as the “King of Fruits”. In the past, you have to wait patiently for the durian season to arrive to enjoy this delicious fruit. But, nowadays, you can eat durians to your hearts content almost all year round. Here are some  durian varieties that are not only popular in Malaysia but are the favourites of Singaporeans.

    10 types of durians you must know... (Source credit: mothershipsg)

    Durians of all shapes and sizes for durian lovers

    Window to the delicious world of the durian
     You can find durians on sale almost everywhere in the country: supermarkets, fresh markets, fruit stalls, shop-houses, roadside stalls, stalls-on-wheels, etc.

    Durians at a fruit stall

    A roadside durian stall at a housing estate

    Delivering fresh durian fruits for sale

    The popular D197 - Musang King displayed outside an organic food shop.

    Thornless durians? Is it real or a gimmick to attract curious buyers?
    Yes, we do have a thornless durian that looks like a 'sukun' or bread-fruit.
    It's D172 known as Durian Botak from Tangkak, Johor and registered on 17 June, 1989

    In some coffee-shops, durian sellers bring the fruit to your table while you are having your favorite kuey-teow, nasi lemak or roti canai.

    Pre-pack fresh durians at supermarkets
    Local durians are the best but you can also get some good quality durians from neighboring countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. If you haven't tasted durian before, try it! You be the judge once you have tasted it. Different durian flavours.

    Fresh Frozen Durian in boxes at the supermarket
    Enjoying his durians as a dessert
    Many SE-Asian people acquired their taste for durian while young and my love affair with this unique fruit started while I was still a toddler. Most people, including westerners, who have eaten good quality durian become lifelong addicts.

    Introduction to local fruits - durian, rambutan and mangosteen

    A little boy looks perplexed among adults enjoying the durians

    Eat-all-you-can Durian Festival to help the needy
    See how Arsenal Footballers react to durian when they visited Singapore.


    International students taking the durian challenge....


    This blog is all about the durian. I like to share whatever durian information and experiences about the durian that I have gathered while I was working with the Department of Agriculture. I am not a durian expert or durian farmer. I'm just a retiree spending most of my time with my grandson and I enjoy surfing the internet during my free time. I love durians and enjoy them whenever I can. You'll too if you start it right. And I'll show you how.

    A couple of old traditional durian trees in a village
    Exquisite fruit - a delight to your senses
    Durianfest VII at Subang Jaya Summit - 22 June 2014


    Eat Durian for Charity is Back



    How To Choose A Good Durian


    Read more on the famous durians from Penang here.

      * Penang Durians

    * Durian Terms in Penang Hokkien




    Durianinfo has only one post on the home page. All information about the durian is presented in pages. 


    Please see my Pages on the top right-hand column for the various topics on durian that I have posted. I have added a new page on durian videos posted on YouTube. Some of them may not be in your spoken language(s) but they are very informative and I'm sure you'll get the message or idea in these videos. 


    You can also go to my video playlists on YouTube for more information and entertainment on durians.

    This blog is an on-going project and I will add relevant topics as the need arises. 


    Meantime, you can leave your comments and I'll be very happy to do what I can.  Do come back and visit soon.


     Last update: 19 Tuesday December 2017