
Durian Varieties In The Philippines

In the Philippines, durian flowers usually bloom in April to June and the durians are harvested in August to November. This gives the Philippines great prospects for export as the harvest season is later than in other Southeast Asian countries.

 Presently, the country is actively expanding durian production, especially in the typhoon-free areas in Mindanao. Durian trees grow almost exclusive in Mindanao, particularly in Davao, Cotabato, Sulu and Agusan.

In fact, Southern Mindanao is considered as the ‘durian republic’ in the Philippines.

Popular durian cultivars include two local selections (DES 806 and DES 916) and four selections developed from introduced cultivars Chanee, Monthong, Umali and CA 3266) and the hundreds of local durian selections which are not registered.

 A durian monument in Davao
Cultivars DES 806 and DES 916

There are 10 cultivars recommended for commercial planting (Source: AgFishTech)
  • DES 806 - Atabrine. The fruit is ellipsoid, weighs 2-4 kg, yellowish-green with a thick rind, medium length densely  spaced spine and a short stalk. The flesh is yellow, sweet, very glutinous with a slightly bitter taste. The fruit has 25% recovery edible portion.
  • DES 916 - Mamer bears ellipsoid fruit, 2-4 kg, greenish-brown with long, sharp, dense spines. The yellow flesh is sweet and glutinous and make up about 25% edible portion.
  • Chanee This was introduced from Thailand. The fruit is ovoid with a broad and obtuse tip and greenish-brown rind. Each fruit weighs 2-5 kg. The golden yellow flesh is sweet and make up 32% edible portion.
  • Monthong - Another introduction from Thailand. The fruit is elongated with a pronounced beak at the base. Each fruit weighs 2-5 kg and has yellowish-brown rind. The flesh is creamy yellow, sweet and make up 30% edible portion.
  • UmaliThis cultivar was selected from a seedling introduced from Thailand by the late Dean Umali of University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB). The fruit is globose to elongated, 2-3 kg, yellowish-brown with golden yellow flesh. The recovery ratio is about 32% edible portion.
  • CA 3266 - This cultivar comes from Indonesia. The fruit is globose, 1.5-2.5 kg, greenish-yellow and produces pale yellow and sweet flesh. The recovery ratio is about 25 % edible portion. 
  • Arancillo (ACC. 1497) - Tree height of 7-8 meters and has an intermediate to spreading growth habit. The ovoid, brownish green fruit weighs about 1,560 grams with Mimosa yellow, firm and creamy flesh. It has mild aroma. It is prolific and consistent, has excellent eating quality and bears off-season fruits.
  • Oboza -  The tree is strong with drooping branches and simple, alternate dark green, linear-oblong leaves. It has green fruit which is ellipsoidal in shape. The flesh is yellow in color and firm, soft and buttery.
  • Puyat - Like Oboza, Puyat is strong with drooping branches and has intermediate growth habit. However, it has cylindrical greenish brown fruit with chrome yellow, firm, soft and buttery flesh.
  •  Lacson #1 - This tree has spreading growth habit with simple, alternate, dark green oblong leaves. It has obovate, brownish green fruit with yellow, smooth and firm flesh.

Molecular Identification of Testing Durian Varieties Developed by the University of Southern Mindanao (USM).

The varietal identification and authentication method can be used for seed certification and proper labeling of planting materials to ensure that only true-to-type of the preferred varieties are multiplied and propagated. This can help farmers and nursery owners save maintenance costs, and hence, improve their farm and nursery productivity.

Aside from this, plant breeders can utilize the DNA profile data and the developed molecular markers in future research and breeding activities to develop hybrid varieties and to improve further the varieties of durian for more desirable traits.

Establishing the DNA profile of durian cultivars in the country can also help protect the propriety of local germplasm collection, so durian consumers—and “will be-consumers”—can always enjoy the fascinating aroma and taste of the king of fruits.


The AgFishTech portal of the Bureau of Agricultural Research in Philippines  has a technology package for the growing of durians in the country. Here is the link:

See durian technology package here

 Read more on Philippines durian varieties HERE.


Read Lindsay's awesome description of durian varieties from the Philippines at the

Philippines Durians - Year of The Durian

Latest News from Singapore
Durian Puyat from The Philippines

Puyats from the Philippines


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