
Durian Varieties In Indonesia

Indonesia has abundant named and recognised clones but only 15 have been released as superior national cultivars such as Bokor, Kani, Otong, Perwira, Petruk, Si Dodol, Si Hijau, Si Japang, Si Mas, Sitokong, Siwirig, Sukun and Sunan. In  1995, another  5 cultivars from Kalimantan Barat are registered as superior   national clones:- cv. Aspar, Sawah Ma, Raja Mabah, Kalapet and Mansau. There are many more varieties found in the other Indonesian islands especially in Sumatra.

Description of Indonesian Durian Varieties

One very informative source for the description of durian varieties is from
Boosting Durian Productivity - RIRDC Project DNT - 13A - Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, by Dr. T.K. Lim

See pages Chapter 2.2 - Pages 46 to 56

Another useful site to learn more about Indonesian durians is from Lindsay Gasik's
Year of The Durian.

Year of the Durian

 Watch a video on three popular Indonesian varieties Durian Lai, Durian Medan and Durian Petruk.

Durian Lai, Durian Medan and Durian Petruk.
View of Brastagi, North Sumatra, Indonesia-CC BY-SA 3.0
CC BY-SA 3.0
Durian (Durio zibethinus) fruit, wrapped with Arenga pinnata leaflets and sold at roadside market. Cigudeg, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.

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