
Durian Pests and Diseases

Durian pests and diseases

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Durian Diseases
Durian Leaf Spot disease

Phytophthora - most serious durian disease
Phytophthora also attacks the durian fruit
Read more on Phytophthora disease and its control here...

2. New Agriculturist - Cures fit fo a king

3. download pdf - Phytophthora palmivora

4. Wikipedia - Phytophthora palmivora - same pathogen that attacks palms

5. Chemjet - download pdf - Managing phytophthora diseases 

6. Diseases of Tropical Fruits - Google book 

7. Diversity and Management of Phytophthora in SE Asia - download pdf

Durianinfomedia Channel at Youtube


Durian seedling dieback - Phytophthora parasitica

Anthracnose disease of durian


Insect Pests of Durian

Durian bark beetles

Durian fruit borers

Durian fruit borers

Durian stem borers

Durian thrips and scale insects

Durian pests attacking leaves

Durian pests that attack trunk and branches

Durian pests that attack flowers and fruits

Integrated Pests Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Thailand. This site is a source of information for IPM trainers, extension workers and farmers, as well as consumers. 

As durian is one of the major crops in Thailand, there is a section devoted to this important fruit. This is the direct link - DURIAN. You can find a lot of good information on durian insect pests and diseases here.

Durian Pests and Diseases Control